These are just a few resources I have found that will be able to aid or further engage you in the topic of economics. Enjoy.
Crash Course Economics is a newly created crash course that tries to make the complex ideas discussed in class easier and more digestable. It is hosting by one of San Diego own, Jacob Clifford (former teamer at San Pasqual) and Adrienne Hill.
Paddy Hirsch works at MarketPlace, which is a part of America Public Media. He has a plethora of videos. He is who I want to be when I grow up (I know this is merely a dream).
Khan Academy is a great resource to learn just about anything. It has some great videos explaining economics. I will try to post them on the announcements page, but they can also be used as a study aid. All the pictures are linked to the websites, that goes for all announcements.
The Economist is a great publication from England. They have a YouTube Channel that has some very engaging videos. It is less of a study aid and more of way to broaden your mind.